The Wellness Way Lake Mary Florida

What is The Wellness Way? We are a network of health restoration clinics that think and act differently to solve the health challenges others can’t. Our philosophy is founded on the ideas that the human body was not designed for illness, and when properly cared for, can restore its innate ability to heal.

We are one team with one vision. Championing the importance of health to the world while inspiring hope through health restoration. We are passionate about health freedom because no one but you should be making health care decisions for your family. It’s time to join the health revolution and take an an unapologetic approach to health, health restoration, and health freedom.

Most health practitioners practice what’s called symptom-based care, a method that treats symptoms instead of identifying the underlying causes of dysfunction in the body. Because of this, the idea of simply managing debilitating symptoms has become quite common.

At The Wellness Way – Lake Mary, Florida, we believe that common is not normal, and unlike the restrictive healthcare mentality, we dig deeper to find answers to life-restricting health challenges. Our highly-trained doctors and practitioners focus on overcoming the three main causes of interference in the body — trauma, toxins, and thoughts — to go beyond symptoms-based care and address your unique physiology in ways that allow your mind and body to find a path back to total wellness.
